Absentee Ballots to Be Kept Under Two Locks in Cabinets, Boxes, or Room; Security of Keys

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Sec. 10. During the period that absentee ballots are being received, each county election board shall keep the ballots in cabinets, boxes, or a room upon which there are two (2) locks, one (1) for each of the appointed members of the board. Each day the absentee ballots shall be placed in the cabinets, boxes, or room under the direction of the appointed members of the board. If an appointed member cannot be present each day, then that member shall designate someone from the member's political party to be present with the key to the lock at the time the ballots are secured and at the time the lock is opened the next day. The key of each appointed member of the board shall be kept secure in the manner determined by that appointed member.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-22-10 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.121-2012, SEC.5.

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