Election of Town Officers in Year of No General Election for Short Term; Ordinance

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Sec. 2.6. (a) This section does not apply to a town located wholly or partially within a county having a consolidated city.

(b) This section applies to a town that has adopted an ordinance:

(1) under IC 18-3-1-16(b) (before its repeal on September 1, 1981); or

(2) in 1982 under P.L.13-1982, SECTION 3 (before its expiration on January 1, 1988).

(c) A town may adopt an ordinance during a year in which an election of town legislative body members, a town clerk-treasurer, or a town judge will not occur under section 3 of this chapter.

(d) The ordinance described in subsection (c) must provide that:

(1) the town legislative body members, clerk-treasurer, or judge elected at the next municipal election not conducted in a general election year serve terms of one (1) year; and

(2) the successors of the town legislative body members, clerk-treasurer, or judge described in subdivision (1) shall be chosen at the first general election following the municipal election and serve terms of four (4) years.

As added by P.L.11-1988, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.3-1990, SEC.8.

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