Certification of Nominees and Electors

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Sec. 5. (a) This subsection applies to a major political party and to a political party subject to IC 3-8-4-10. The state chairman of each political party shall certify to the election division the names of the nominees of the party for President and Vice President of the United States and the state of which each nominee is a resident.

(b) If candidates for presidential electors and alternate presidential electors are nominated by petitioners instead of by a convention of a major political party or a party subject to IC 3-8-4-10, the petitioners shall certify with the list of names of the presidential electors the following:

(1) The names of their nominees for President and Vice President of the United States.

(2) The state of which each nominee is a resident.

(3) The name of the political party of the nominees, or that the nominees are an independent ticket.

(c) This subsection applies to a political party described in subsection (a) and to candidates nominated by petitioners under subsection (b). The names of:

(1) all candidates for:

(A) presidential electors; and

(B) alternate presidential electors; and

(2) all nominees for President and Vice President of the United States;

shall be certified to the election division not later than noon on the second Tuesday in September before the general election. The election division shall certify to each county election board not later than noon on the next following Thursday in September before the general election the names of the nominees for President and Vice President of the United States certified to the election division under this subsection.

(d) The names of all candidates for presidential electors and alternate presidential electors for a write-in candidate shall be included on the declaration for candidacy filed by a write-in candidate for the office of President or Vice President of the United States filed under IC 3-8-2.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-12-5 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.173; P.L.5-1989, SEC.41; P.L.10-1992, SEC.18; P.L.3-1993, SEC.97; P.L.3-1997, SEC.223; P.L.66-2003, SEC.32; P.L.14-2004, SEC.80; P.L.201-2017, SEC.17.

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