Names on Ballot

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Sec. 1. (a) The names of the candidates of:

(1) a political party;

(2) a group of petitioners under IC 3-8-6; or

(3) a write-in candidate for the office of President or Vice President of the United States under IC 3-8-2-2.5;

for presidential electors and alternate presidential electors may not be placed on the ballot.

(b) The names of the nominees for President and Vice President of the United States of each political party or group of petitioners shall be placed:

(1) in one (1) column on the ballot if paper ballots are used;

(2) either:

(A) grouped together on a separate screen; or

(B) grouped together below the names of the offices as specified in IC 3-11-14-3.5;

if an electronic voting system is used; or

(3) grouped together below the names of the offices as specified in IC 3-11-13-11 if a ballot card is used.

(c) The ballot must permit a voter to cast a ballot for a write-in candidate for the office of President or Vice President of the United States in the manner provided under IC 3-11-2-6.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-12-2.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.171; P.L.10-1992, SEC.16; P.L.58-2005, SEC.9; P.L.230-2005, SEC.41; P.L.1-2006, SEC.4; P.L.201-2017, SEC.12.

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