Voter Name Not on Registration Record, Certified Copy of Registration Record, or Electronic Poll List; Certificate of Error; Casting Provisional Ballot

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Sec. 8. A person who will be a voter at the general election for which the primary is being held and whose name does not appear on the registration record of the precinct, the certified copy of the registration record prepared under IC 3-7-29, or the electronic poll list may:

(1) vote if the county voter registration office provides a signed certificate of error; or

(2) cast a provisional ballot under IC 3-11.7, as provided by 52 U.S.C. 21082.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-9-3 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.5-1989, SEC.36; P.L.7-1990, SEC.34; P.L.12-1995, SEC.61; P.L.3-1995, SEC.82; P.L.209-2003, SEC.96; P.L.164-2006, SEC.68; P.L.271-2013, SEC.11; P.L.128-2015, SEC.149.

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