Proof of Identification; Exception; Failure to Produce; Challenge; Provisional Ballot

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Sec. 7.2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (e), a voter who desires to vote an official ballot at a primary election shall provide proof of identification.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (e), before the voter proceeds to vote in a primary election, a precinct election officer shall ask the voter to provide proof of identification. The voter must produce the proof of identification before being permitted to sign the poll list.

(c) If:

(1) the voter is unable or declines to present the proof of identification; or

(2) a member of the precinct election board determines that the proof of identification presented by the voter does not qualify as proof of identification under IC 3-5-2-40.5;

a member of the precinct election board shall challenge the voter as prescribed by IC 3-11-8.

(d) If the voter executes a challenged voter's affidavit under section 9 of this chapter or IC 3-11-8-22.1, the voter may:

(1) sign the poll list; and

(2) receive a provisional ballot.

(e) A voter who votes in person at a precinct polling place, vote center, or satellite office established under IC 3-11-10-26.3 that is located at a state licensed care facility where the voter resides is not required to provide proof of identification before voting in a primary election.

As added by P.L.109-2005, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.164-2006, SEC.67; P.L.53-2009, SEC.1; P.L.157-2019, SEC.9.

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