Copy of Registration Record and Voter Signatures; Evidence of Right to Vote

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Sec. 7.1. (a) This subsection does not apply to a county in which electronic poll books are used under IC 3-7-29-6(a)(1) or IC 3-11-18.1. Each county election board shall furnish the inspector of each precinct for use on primary election day a certified copy under IC 3-7-29 of the list of all voters registered to vote in the precinct.

(b) This subsection does not apply to a county in which electronic poll books are used under IC 3-7-29-6(a)(1) or IC 3-11-18.1. The county voter registration office may also provide the inspector of each precinct in the county a certified photocopy of the signature on the affidavit or form of registration of each voter of the precinct for the comparison of signatures under section 24.6 of this chapter.

(c) If the name of a person offering to vote at the primary is in the registration record or listed in the certified copy prepared for the precinct or the electronic poll list, it is sufficient evidence of the person's right to vote unless the person is challenged.

As added by P.L.209-2003, SEC.95. Amended by P.L.164-2006, SEC.66; P.L.271-2013, SEC.10; P.L.258-2013, SEC.69; P.L.76-2014, SEC.26; P.L.169-2015, SEC.78.

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