Update of Registration Record; Time

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Sec. 31.2. (a) This subsection does not apply if a recount or contest is being conducted in a county. The county voter registration office shall complete the updating of the registration record under section 31.1 of this chapter not later than sixty (60) days after election day.

(b) If a recount or contest is being conducted in a county, the county voter registration office shall complete the updating of the registration record under section 31.1 of this chapter not later than sixty (60) days after the completion of the recount or contest and the issuance of an order under IC 3-12-6-22.5, IC 3-12-8-17, IC 3-12-11-18, or IC 3-12-12-19.

(c) This subsection applies to a voter who executes an affidavit under IC 3-10-11 and currently resides in an Indiana county different from the county where the voter is registered to vote. The county voter registration official in the county where the voter voted shall add to the voter's registration record in the computerized list established under IC 3-7-26.3 that the voter voted in the election before transferring the voter's registration to the county where the voter indicated the voter currently resides on the affidavit completed under IC 3-10-11.

As added by P.L.225-2011, SEC.45. Amended by P.L.193-2021, SEC.24.

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