Ballot Card Voting System; Procedures

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Sec. 28.5. (a) If a ballot card voting system is used in a precinct, after a voter has marked a ballot card the voter shall place it inside the envelope provided for this purpose and return it to the judge.

(b) The judge shall remove the stub from the ballot card. This subsection does not apply to an optical scan voting system.

(c) The judge shall then offer to return the envelope with the ballot card inside to the voter. The voter shall:

(1) accept the envelope and deposit it with the ballot card inside into the ballot box; or

(2) decline the envelope and require the judge to deposit it in the ballot box.

(d) The voter then shall leave the polls.

As added by P.L.3-1987, SEC.164. Amended by P.L.38-1999, SEC.32; P.L.176-1999, SEC.58; P.L.239-2001, SEC.6.

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