Paper Ballots; Folding; Delivery to Inspector

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Sec. 26. (a) This section applies only to paper ballots.

(b) After marking a paper ballot, a voter shall fold each ballot separately in a manner that its face will be concealed and the initials of the poll clerks or assistant poll clerks seen.

(c) After leaving the booth, a voter shall return the pencil to a poll clerk or assistant poll clerk and display the initials on each ballot to the inspector.

(d) If a voter offers to vote a ballot folded so that it does not disclose the initials of the poll clerks or assistant poll clerks while also not disclosing the face of the ballot, the precinct election board shall direct the voter to return to the booth and fold the ballot properly.

(e) After properly displaying the initials on the ballot, the voter then shall:

(1) deposit the ballot in the ballot box; or

(2) at the voter's option return the ballot to the inspector, who shall deposit it in the ballot box.

(f) The poll clerk or assistant poll clerk shall then place a voting mark opposite the voter's name on the poll list. The voter then shall leave the polls.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-9-10 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.161; P.L.58-2005, SEC.8.

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