Paper Ballots or Ballot Card System; Procedures

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Sec. 25. (a) If paper ballots are used in a precinct, one (1) of the poll clerks or assistant poll clerks shall deliver to a voter one (1) of the voter's political party ballots and a pencil after the voter signs the poll list. The voter shall take the ballot and pencil into an election booth and mark the ballot within the time provided under IC 3-11-11-10.5.

(b) If a ballot card voting system is used in a precinct, one (1) of the poll clerks or assistant poll clerks shall deliver to a voter one (1) of the voter's political party ballot cards and instructions on how to operate the ballot card system as described in IC 3-11-13-29 and IC 3-11-13-30. The voter shall take the ballot card into the voting booth and mark the ballot within the time provided under IC 3-11-13-32.5.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-9-10 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.160; P.L.5-1989, SEC.39.

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