Voter Information Verification; Change of Address Within Precinct; Transfer of Registration

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Sec. 24. (a) A voter who desires to vote must give the voter's name and political party to the poll clerks of the precinct on primary election day. In a vote center county using an electronic poll book, two (2) election officers who are not members of the same political party must be present when a voter signs in on the electronic poll book. The poll clerks shall require the voter to write the following on the poll list or to provide the following information for entry into the electronic poll book:

(1) The voter's name.

(2) Except as provided in subsection (d), the voter's current residence address.

(3) The name of the voter's party. After:

(A) the voter writes the voter's party on the poll list; or

(B) the voter's party is entered into the electronic poll book;

the voter may not change the choice of the voter's party.

(b) The poll clerks shall:

(1) ask the voter to provide or update the voter's voter identification number;

(2) tell the voter the number the voter may use as a voter identification number; and

(3) explain to the voter that the voter is not required to provide a voter identification number at the polls.

(c) If the voter is unable to sign the voter's name, the voter must sign the poll list by mark, which must be witnessed by one (1) of the poll clerks or assistant poll clerks acting under IC 3-6-6, who shall place the poll clerk's or assistant poll clerk's initials after or under the mark.

(d) The poll list (or each line on a poll list sheet provided to take a voter's current residence address) must include a box under the heading "Address Unchanged" so that the voter may check the box instead of writing the voter's current address on the poll list, or if an electronic poll book is used, the poll clerk may check the box after stating to the voter the address shown on the electronic poll book and receiving an oral affirmation from the voter that the voter's residence address shown on the poll list is the voter's current residence address instead of writing the voter's current residence address on the poll list or reentering the address in the electronic poll book.

(e) If the voter makes:

(1) a written affirmation on the poll list (or if an electronic poll book is used, a written affirmation in the manner described in IC 3-7-39-7) that the voter resides at an address within the precinct but not at the address shown on the poll list for the precinct; or

(2) an oral affirmation of a change of address under IC 3-7-39-7;

the county election board shall direct the county voter registration office to transfer the individual's voter registration record to the address within the precinct indicated by the voter.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-9-10 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.158; P.L.5-1989, SEC.37; P.L.199-2001, SEC.18; P.L.209-2003, SEC.98; P.L.2-2004, SEC.1; P.L.164-2006, SEC.72; P.L.271-2013, SEC.12; P.L.55-2014, SEC.1; P.L.76-2014, SEC.29; P.L.278-2019, SEC.37.

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