Voter Identity Check; Comparison of Signatures

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Sec. 24.6. (a) In case of doubt concerning a voter's identity, the precinct election board shall compare the voter's signature with the signature on the registration record or any certified copy of the signature provided under section 7.1 of this chapter. If the board determines that the voter's signature is authentic, the voter may then vote.

(b) If either poll clerk doubts the voter's identity following the comparison of the signatures, the poll clerk shall challenge the voter in the manner prescribed by IC 3-11-8. If the poll clerk does not execute a challenger's affidavit under IC 3-11-8-21 or if the voter executes a challenged voter's affidavit under IC 3-11-8-22.1, the voter may then vote.

As added by P.L.209-2003, SEC.100. Amended by P.L.164-2006, SEC.73; P.L.271-2013, SEC.13.

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