Form of Ballot and Public Questions; Order of Offices and Public Questions on Ballot

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Sec. 19. (a) The ballot for a primary election shall be printed in substantially the form described in this section for all the offices for which candidates have qualified under IC 3-8.

(b) The following shall be printed as the heading for the ballot for a political party:


_________________ Party (insert the name of the political party)".

(c) The following shall be printed immediately below the heading required by subsection (b) or be posted in each voting booth as provided in IC 3-11-2-8(b):

(1) For paper ballots, print: To vote for a person, make a voting mark (X or ✔) on or in the box before the person's name in the proper column.

(2) For optical scan ballots, print: To vote for a person, darken or shade in the circle, oval, or square (or draw a line to connect the arrow) that precedes the person's name in the proper column.

(3) For optical scan ballots that do not contain a candidate's name, print: To vote for a person, darken or shade in the oval that precedes the number assigned to the person's name in the proper column.

(4) For electronic voting systems, print: To vote for a person, touch the screen (or press the button) in the location indicated.

(d) Local public questions shall be placed on the primary election ballot after the heading and the voting instructions described in subsection (c) (if the instructions are printed on the ballot) and before the offices described in subsection (g).

(e) The local public questions described in subsection (d) shall be placed as follows:

(1) In a separate column on the ballot if voting is by paper ballot.

(2) After the heading and the voting instructions described in subsection (c) (if the instructions are printed on the ballot) and before the offices described in subsection (g), in the form specified in IC 3-11-13-11 if voting is by ballot card.

(3) As provided by either of the following if voting is by an electronic voting system:

(A) On a separate screen for a public question.

(B) After the heading and the voting instructions described in subsection (c) (if the instructions are printed on the ballot) and before the offices described in subsection (g), in the form specified in IC 3-11-14-3.5.

(f) A public question shall be placed on the primary election ballot in the following form:

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