Candidates Ordered Alphabetically by Surname; Exception for Certain Counties

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Sec. 18. (a) Except as provided by subsection (b), the names of all candidates for each office who have qualified under IC 3-8 shall be arranged in alphabetical order by surnames under the designation of the office.

(b) This subsection applies to a county having a population of more than four hundred thousand (400,000) but less than seven hundred thousand (700,000). The names of all candidates for each office who have qualified under IC 3-8, except for a school board office, precinct committeeman, or state convention delegate, shall be arranged in random order by surnames under the designation of the office. The random order shall be determined using a lottery. The lottery held in accordance with this subsection shall be conducted in public by the county election board. The lottery shall be held not later than fifteen (15) days following the last day for a declaration of candidacy under IC 3-8-2-4. All candidates whose names are to be arranged by way of the lottery shall be notified at least five (5) days prior to the lottery of the time and place at which the lottery is to be held. Each candidate may have one (1) designated watcher, and each county political party may have one (1) designated watcher who shall be allowed to observe the lottery procedure.

(c) For paper ballots, the left margin of the ballot for each political party must show the name of the uppermost candidate printed to the right of the number 1, the next candidate number 2, the next candidate number 3, and so on, consecutively to the end of the ballot as prescribed in section 19 of this chapter. If ordered by a county election board or a board of elections and registration under IC 3-11-15-13.1(b), a ballot number or other candidate designation uniquely associated with the candidate must be displayed on the electronic voting system and printed on the ballot cards.

(d) This subsection applies to a county having a population of more than four hundred thousand (400,000) but less than seven hundred thousand (700,000). If there is insufficient room on a row to list each candidate of a political party, a second or subsequent row may be utilized. However, a second or subsequent row may not be utilized unless the first row, and all preceding rows, have been filled.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-9-7 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.155; P.L.7-1991, SEC.2; P.L.12-1992, SEC.6; P.L.1-1993, SEC.6; P.L.5-1994, SEC.1; P.L.221-2005, SEC.28; P.L.76-2014, SEC.28.

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