Printing Names on Ballot

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Sec. 14.1. (a) All the candidates for each office who have qualified in the manner prescribed by IC 3-8 for placement on the primary election ballot shall be grouped together under the name of the office and printed in type with uniform capital letters, with uniform space between each name. At the head of each group, a statement reading substantially as follows must be placed immediately below the name of the office and above the name of the first candidate: "Vote for not more than (insert the number of candidates to be nominated) candidates for this office.".

(b) In addition to the candidate's given name and surname, the candidate may use:

(1) initials; or

(2) a nickname by which the candidate is commonly known;

if the candidate's choice of initials or nickname does not exceed twenty (20) characters. Any nickname used must appear in parentheses between the candidate's given name and the candidate's surname.

(c) A candidate may not use a designation such as a title or degree or a nickname that implies a title or degree.

(d) A candidate's name must be printed on the ballot exactly as the name appears on the candidate's certificate of nomination, petition of nomination, or declaration of candidacy.

As added by P.L.14-2004, SEC.75. Amended by P.L.194-2013, SEC.33; P.L.76-2014, SEC.27.

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