Testimony of Out-of-State Witnesses

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Sec. 6. (a) In a guardianship or protective proceeding, in addition to other procedures that may be available, testimony of witnesses who are located in another state may be offered by deposition or other means allowable in this state for testimony taken in another state. The court on its own motion may order that the testimony of a witness be taken in another state and may prescribe the manner in which and the terms upon which the testimony is to be taken.

(b) In a guardianship or protective proceeding, a court in this state may permit a witness located in another state to be deposed or to testify by telephone or audiovisual or other electronic means. A court of this state shall cooperate with courts of other states in designating an appropriate location for the deposition or testimony.

(c) Documentary evidence transmitted from another state to a court of this state by technological means that do not produce a record simultaneously with the transmission may not be excluded from evidence on an objection based on the means of transmission.

As added by P.L.178-2011, SEC.10.

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