Requests of Out-of-State Courts

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Sec. 5. (a) In a guardianship or protective proceeding in this state, a court of this state may request the appropriate court of another state to do any of the following:

(1) Hold an evidentiary hearing.

(2) Order a person in that state to produce or give evidence pursuant to procedures of that state.

(3) Order that an evaluation or assessment be made of the respondent, or order any appropriate investigation of a person involved in a proceeding.

(4) Forward to the court of this state a certified copy of any of the following:

(A) The transcript or other record of a hearing under subdivision (1) or any other proceeding.

(B) Any evidence otherwise presented under subdivision (2).

(C) Any evaluation or assessment prepared in compliance with the request under subdivision (3).

(5) Issue any other order necessary to assure the appearance of a person necessary to make a determination, including the respondent or the incapacitated or protected person.

(6) Issue an order authorizing the release of medical, financial, criminal, or other relevant information in that state, including health information otherwise protected by state or federal law.

(b) If a court of another state in which a guardianship or protective proceeding is pending requests assistance of the kind provided in subsection (a), a court of this state has jurisdiction for the limited purpose of granting the request or making reasonable efforts to comply with the request.

As added by P.L.178-2011, SEC.10.

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