Petition; Vote of Shareholders; Order and Bond

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Sec. 1. Whenever the directors of any bank organized under the laws of this state, shall desire to liquidate any such bank, they may file a petition with the department of financial institutions for authority so to do. After the filing of any such petition, the said department shall authorize the directors to call a special meeting of the stockholders of such bank, and if the owners of two-thirds (2/3) of the capital stock of such bank shall vote in favor of such liquidation, the directors shall thereupon so notify the department and said department shall thereupon enter an order directing the liquidation of said bank, and shall also provide that a bond be executed in such an amount and with such sureties as the department may approve, for the faithful discharge by the officers of such bank of their respective duties in the liquidation of said bank.

Formerly: Acts 1943, c.39, s.1.

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