Affidavit, Information, or Indictment; Sufficiency of Charge

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Sec. 4. Affidavits, Informations, Indictments. In charging any person in an affidavit, information, or indictment with a violation of this article by carrying on (without a license obtained under, or pursuant to an exemption defined in, this article) an activity for the carrying-on of which a license issued under, or an exemption defined in, this article is required, it shall be sufficient to charge that the person did, upon a certain day and in a certain county, engage in such an activity and that he or it did not have a license to do so or an exemption (defined in this article) permitting him or it to do so. No further or more particular facts need be averred concerning the matter.

As added by Acts 1977, P.L.270, SEC.1.

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