Veterinary Technician Permit Requirements

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Sec. 6. To become a registered veterinary technician, a person must:

(1) not have a conviction for a crime that has a direct bearing on the person's ability to practice competently;

(2) pay the required fees;

(3) be at least eighteen (18) years of age;

(4) have successfully completed four (4) years of high school education or an acceptable equivalent;

(5) have either successfully completed an accredited veterinary technology program or have been a registered veterinary technician on August 31, 1981; and

(6) show that the person has the necessary knowledge and skills to be a registered veterinary technician, demonstrated by successfully passing the required examinations.

[Pre-2008 Title 15 Recodification Citation: 5-5-1.1-15.]

As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.12. Amended by P.L.58-2008, SEC.31.

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