"Practice of Veterinary Medicine"

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Sec. 12. (a) "Practice of veterinary medicine" means:

(1) representing oneself as engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, or veterinary dentistry or any of their branches or specialties;

(2) using words, letters, or titles in a connection or under circumstances that may induce another person to believe that the person using them is engaged in the practice of veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, or veterinary dentistry;

(3) accepting compensation for doing any of the things described in subdivisions (4) through (8);

(4) providing the diagnosis, treatment, correction, or prevention of any disease, defect, injury, deformity, pain, or condition of animals;

(5) prescribing, dispensing, or ordering the administration of a drug, a medicine, a biologic, a medical appliance, an application, or treatment of whatever nature for the prevention, cure, or relief of any disease, ailment, defect, injury, deformity, pain, or other condition of animals;

(6) performing a:

(A) surgical or dental operation; or

(B) complementary or alternative therapy;

upon an animal;

(7) certifying the health, fitness, or soundness of an animal; or

(8) performing any procedure for the diagnosis of pregnancy, sterility, or infertility upon animals.

(b) The term does not include:

(1) administering a drug, medicine, appliance, application, or treatment that is administered at the direction and under the direct supervision of a veterinarian licensed under this article; or

(2) equine massage therapy.

(c) As used in this section, "equine massage therapy" means a method of treating the body of a horse for remedial or hygienic purposes through techniques that:

(1) include rubbing, stroking, or kneading the body of the horse; and

(2) may be applied with or without the aid of a massage device that mimics the actions possible using human hands.

Equine massage therapy does not include prescribing a drug, performing surgery, chiropractic, or acupuncture, or diagnosing a medical condition.

[Pre-2008 Title 15 Recodification Citation: 15-5-1.1-2 part.]

As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.12. Amended by P.L.58-2008, SEC.12; P.L.211-2015, SEC.1; P.L.85-2017, SEC.100.

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