Exemption From Examination Requirement

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Sec. 13. (a) An individual who applies for a marriage and family therapist associate license under section 1.5 of this chapter may be exempted by the board from the examination requirement under this chapter if the individual:

(1) complies with subsection (b); and

(2) is licensed or certified to practice as a marriage and family therapist in another state or has engaged in the practice of marriage and family therapy for at least three (3) of the previous five (5) years.

(b) An individual may be exempted under subsection (a) if the individual:

(1) has passed a licensing examination substantially equivalent to the licensing examination required under this article;

(2) has passed an examination pertaining to the marriage and family therapy laws and rules of this state; and

(3) has not committed any act or is not under investigation for any act that constitutes a violation of this article;

and is otherwise qualified under section 1.5 of this chapter and pays an additional fee.

As added by P.L.186-1990, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.147-1997, SEC.70; P.L.134-2008, SEC.50; P.L.109-2015, SEC.45.

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