Prohibited Use of Certain Titles; Practice Without License; Exemptions

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Sec. 1. (a) Beginning July 1, 2010, an individual may not:

(1) profess to be a licensed addiction counselor or licensed clinical addiction counselor;

(2) use the title:

(A) "licensed addiction counselor";

(B) "licensed clinical addiction counselor";

(C) "licensed clinical addiction therapist";

(D) "licensed addiction therapist";

(E) "addiction counselor";

(F) "addiction therapist";

(G) "clinical addiction counselor";

(H) "clinical addiction therapist";

(I) "substance abuse counselor";

(J) "substance abuse therapist";

(K) "clinical substance abuse counselor"; or

(L) "clinical substance abuse therapist";

(3) use any other title containing the words:

(A) "licensed addiction counselor";

(B) "licensed addiction therapist";

(C) "licensed clinical addiction counselor";

(D) "licensed clinical addiction therapist";

(E) "addiction counselor";

(F) "addiction therapist";

(G) "clinical addiction counselor";

(H) "clinical addiction therapist";

(I) "substance abuse counselor";

(J) "substance abuse therapist";

(K) "clinical substance abuse counselor";

(L) "clinical substance abuse therapist";

(M) "licensed addiction counselor associate"; or

(N) "licensed clinical addiction counselor associate";

(4) use any other:

(A) words;

(B) letters;

(C) abbreviations; or

(D) insignia;

indicating or implying that the individual is a licensed addiction counselor or licensed clinical addiction counselor; or

(5) practice as an addiction counselor or clinical addiction counselor for compensation;

unless the individual is licensed under this article.

(b) Subsection (a)(5) does not apply to a person who is described in section 2(a) or 3 of this chapter.

(c) An individual who is exempt from licensing under section 2(a)(4) of this chapter may use the title "pastoral addiction counselor" and may engage in the practice of addiction counseling for compensation.

As added by P.L.122-2009, SEC.28. Amended by P.L.225-2017, SEC.5.

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