Prescription Drugs

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Sec. 5. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a certified direct entry midwife may not dispense or administer prescription drugs.

(b) A certified direct entry midwife may carry and administer the following medications under a protocol issued and agreed to by a physician licensed under IC 25-22.5:

(1) Postpartum antihemorrhagic drugs in emergency situations.

(2) Local anesthetics by infiltration or topical application, only for postpartum repair of lacerations, tears, and episiotomy.

(3) Oxygen.

(4) Prophylactic antibiotics for Group B Strep (also known as Beta Strep).

(c) A certified direct entry midwife may not administer a drug intravenously and may, with a physician's order, administer the following:

(1) Vitamin K, either orally or through intramuscular injection.

(2) Rhogam.

(3) Prophylactic ophthalmic antibiotics.

The board may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 specifying the circumstances under which a certified direct entry midwife may administer the substances listed in this subsection.

As added by P.L.232-2013, SEC.20.

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