Survey by Board; Approval; Surveys of Accredited Schools

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Sec. 21. (a) A survey of the institution or institutions of which the nursing education program is a part and of institutions affiliating with the nursing education program shall be made by a designated representative of the board. The surveyor shall submit a written report of the survey to the board. If, in the opinion of the board, the requirements for an accredited school of nursing are met, it shall approve the school as an accredited school of nursing.

(b) From time to time as considered necessary by the board, it shall be the duty of the board, through a designated representative of the board, to survey all nursing education programs in the state. Written reports of such surveys shall be submitted to the board. If the board determines that any accredited nursing education program is not maintaining the standards required by the statutes and by the board, notice in writing specifying the defect or defects shall be immediately given to the nursing education program. A nursing education program which fails to correct these conditions to the satisfaction of the board within a reasonable time shall be removed from the list of accredited nursing education programs.

(c) The board may elect to utilize a nursing education program's accreditation by a national accrediting body approved by the board and the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation (COPA) as evidence that the program has met all or part of the required state standards and prescribed curricula for continuing accreditation of nursing education programs.

Formerly: Acts 1949, c.159, s.21. As amended by Acts 1981, P.L.222, SEC.172; P.L.149-1987, SEC.64; P.L.137-2021, SEC.7.

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