Board Established; Members

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Sec. 2. (a) There is established the Indiana state board of nursing consisting of nine (9) members appointed by the governor as follows, each to serve a term under IC 25-1-6.5:

(1) Subject to IC 25-1-6.5-3, six (6) of the board members must be registered nurses who are committed to advancing and safeguarding the nursing profession as a whole. One (1) of the members appointed under this subdivision must be an advanced practice registered nurse who has, or has had, prescriptive authority.

(2) Two (2) of the board's members must be licensed practical nurses.

(3) One (1) member of the board, to represent the general public, must be a resident of this state and not be associated with nursing in any way other than as a consumer.

(b) A member of the board may be removed under IC 25-1-6.5-4.

Formerly: Acts 1949, c.159, s.2; Acts 1971, P.L.376, SEC.2. As amended by Acts 1981, P.L.222, SEC.159; P.L.169-1985, SEC.67; P.L.185-1993, SEC.4; P.L.158-2003, SEC.4; P.L.249-2019, SEC.99; P.L.131-2020, SEC.8.

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