Advanced Practice Registered Nurses; Identification Numbers

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Sec. 19.6. (a) When the board grants authority to an advanced practice registered nurse to prescribe legend drugs under this chapter, the board shall assign an identification number to the advanced practice registered nurse.

(b) An advanced practice registered nurse who is granted authority by the board to prescribe legend drugs must do the following:

(1) Enter on each prescription form that the advanced practice registered nurse uses to prescribe a legend drug:

(A) the signature of the advanced practice registered nurse;

(B) initials indicating the credentials awarded to the advanced practice registered nurse under this chapter; and

(C) the identification number assigned to the advanced practice registered nurse under subsection (a).

(2) Transmit the prescription in an electronic format for an electronically transmitted prescription.

(3) Comply with all applicable state and federal laws concerning prescriptions for legend drugs, including the requirement to issue electronically transmitted prescriptions under IC 25-1-9.3.

(c) An advanced practice registered nurse may be granted authority to prescribe legend drugs under this chapter only within the scope of practice of the advanced practice registered nurse and the scope of the licensed collaborating health practitioner.

As added by P.L.185-1993, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.129-2018, SEC.32; P.L.28-2019, SEC.14.

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