Certified Nurse Midwives

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Sec. 13.1. (a) An applicant who desires to practice certified nurse midwifery shall present to the board the applicant's license as a registered nurse and a diploma earned by the applicant from a school of midwifery approved or licensed by the board or licensing agency for midwives that is located in any state.

(b) The applicant shall submit to an examination in certified nurse midwifery prescribed or administered by the board. If the application and qualifications are approved by the board, the applicant is entitled to receive a license that allows the applicant to practice midwifery as a certified nurse midwife.

(c) The board shall adopt rules under section 7 of this chapter:

(1) defining the scope of practice of a certified nurse midwife; and

(2) for implementing this section.

(d) A certified nurse who holds a license to practice midwifery under this section (formerly referred to as a "midwife" before the repeal of IC 34-18-2-19) shall, beginning July 1, 2013, be known as a "certified nurse midwife".

As added by P.L.185-1993, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.232-2013, SEC.19.

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