Minimum Requirements

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Sec. 1. (a) The minimum requirements for all applicants for an unlimited license to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in Indiana must include but are not limited to the requirements prescribed by this section.

(b) The applicant must not have a conviction for a crime that has a direct bearing on the applicant's ability to practice competently.

(c) The applicant shall possess the degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy or its equivalent from a medical school which was approved by the board as of the time the degree was conferred.

(d) The applicant shall have successfully passed the examination for licensure or shall have satisfied the requirements for licensure by endorsement as prescribed by the board.

(e) The applicant shall be physically and mentally capable of, and professionally competent to, safely engage in the practice of medicine or osteopathic medicine as determined by the board and shall submit:

(1) to an examination; or

(2) additional evidence to the board;

if considered necessary by the board to determine such capability. In making that determination, the board may consider any malpractice settlements or judgments against the applicant.

(f) The applicant shall not have had disciplinary action taken against the applicant or the applicant's license by the board or by the licensing agency of any other state or jurisdiction by reasons of the applicant's inability to safely practice medicine or osteopathic medicine and those reasons are still valid in the opinion of the board.

(g) The applicant shall have submitted a complete transcript of his educational records, grades, and diploma from his medical school with an English translation thereof.

(h) The applicant shall, at the board's discretion, make a personal appearance before it.

(i) The applicant shall have completed one (1) year of postgraduate training in a hospital or institution located in the United States, its possessions, or Canada that meets standards set by the board under IC 25-22.5-2-7.

Formerly: Acts 1975, P.L.271, SEC.1. As amended by Acts 1981, P.L.222, SEC.155; Acts 1982, P.L.113, SEC.56; P.L.247-1985, SEC.8; P.L.149-1987, SEC.51.

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