Qualifications; Experience Requirement

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Sec. 10. An applicant for the initial issuance of a certificate under this chapter shall show that the applicant has had two (2) years of experience. To qualify as experience under this section, an applicant may provide any type of service or advice that:

(1) constitutes the use of accounting, attest, compilation, management advisory, financial advisory, tax, or consulting skills as determined under the rules adopted by the board; and

(2) is verified by the holder of an active certificate issued under this article or the corresponding provisions of another state, as determined by the board.

Experience of the type described in this section applies equally toward meeting the experience requirement of this section regardless of whether it is gained through employment in government, industry, academia, or public practice.

As added by P.L.30-1993, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.179-1997, SEC.1; P.L.128-2001, SEC.21; P.L.6-2003, SEC.6.

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