"Nutrition Therapy Services"

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Sec. 12. (a) "Nutrition therapy services" means the following services that are directed toward humans:

(1) Assessing the nutritional needs of individuals and groups, considering the resources and constraints in the practice setting.

(2) Establishing priorities, goals, and objectives for therapy that meet nutritional needs of individuals and groups and that are consistent with available resources and constraints.

(3) Providing nutrition counseling in health and disease.

(4) Developing, implementing, and managing:

(A) nutrition therapy of; and

(B) food service systems for;

individuals and groups.

(5) Maintaining appropriate standards of quality in food and nutrition therapy services for individuals and groups.

(b) The term does not include the retail sale of food products or vitamins.

As added by P.L.124-1994, SEC.7.

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