Award of Credit Hours

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Sec. 9. Credit hours under section 8 of this chapter must be awarded as follows:

(1) A course presented by a college under a regular curriculum is awarded one (1) credit hour for each lecture hour attended.

(2) A course not listed in subdivision (1) is awarded one (1) credit hour for each lecture hour and two (2) credit hours for each participation hour of the course.

(3) A speech, lecture, or other presentation by a dentist is awarded two (2) credit hours if the following conditions are met:

(A) The presentation concerns a subject that would be suitable for a continuing education course.

(B) The subject of the presentation is eligible for credit only once, regardless of the number of times it is presented.

(C) The dentist maintains a record of the time, place, and date of the presentation.

(D) The presentation is sponsored by an approved organization.

(E) Not more than four (4) credit hours are awarded to the dentist under this subdivision during a license period.

(4) Attendance at a state, regional, or national meeting sponsored by an approved organization is awarded one (1) credit hour.

(5) Attendance at a meeting of a study club that uses films, audio cassettes, live presentations, or written materials sponsored by the American Dental Association is awarded one (1) credit hour. However, a dentist may not receive credit under this subdivision for more than four (4) credit hours during a license period.

(6) Attendance at a meeting of a study club featuring a guest speaker whose presentation concerns a subject suitable for a continuing education course is awarded one (1) credit hour for each hour attended.

(7) A home study course that is presented by an approved organization and meets the requirements under this subdivision is awarded the same number of credit hours given to courses provided by a college. If the approved organization does not assess credit hours to a course under this subdivision, the course is awarded one (1) credit hour for each hour of study material. Subject matter of the course may be presented by written, audio, or video materials.

As added by P.L.185-1991, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.119-1992, SEC.4.

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