Limited Voluntary Charitable Permit; Requirements; Prohibition on Controlled Substances; Expiration

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Sec. 5.7. (a) The board may issue a limited voluntary charitable permit. An applicant for a permit under this section must meet the following requirements:

(1) An applicant must be:

(A) the holder of an inactive license under section 27.1 of this chapter; or

(B) licensed as a dentist in another state and be in good standing with that state's licensing agency.

(2) An applicant must provide proof that either:

(A) the individual; or

(B) the clinic at which the individual will practice;

has malpractice insurance that covers the individual.

(3) An applicant must plan to provide, without compensation, dental care to individuals who are indigent, in critical need, or uninsured.

(b) An individual practicing under a permit issued under this section may not distribute, dispense, or administer a controlled substance.

(c) A permit issued under this section expires sixty (60) days from issuance.

As added by P.L.264-2013, SEC.10.

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