Requirements if Degree Is From Unaccredited Dental College Outside of United States

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Sec. 4.5. (a) An applicant for a license under this article who has been awarded a doctoral degree in dentistry or an equivalent degree from an unaccredited dental college located outside the United States must meet the following requirements in order to be granted a license:

(1) The applicant must apply for a license on a form prescribed by the board.

(2) The applicant must pass an English proficiency examination approved by the board.

(3) The applicant must be at least twenty-two (22) years of age.

(4) The applicant must not have been convicted of a crime that has a direct bearing on the applicant's ability to practice competently.

(5) The applicant must pass the following examinations:

(A) Part I and Part II of the United States National Board Dental Examination and a written jurisprudence examination.

(B) A basic science and laboratory examination, at the discretion of the board.

(6) The applicant must have successfully completed a clinical training program of at least two (2) years in one (1) of the following:

(A) An accredited institution that reasonably ensures a level of competency equal to that of graduates of accredited dental colleges, as determined by the board.

(B) A general practice residency program at an accredited institution.

(C) Advanced education in a general dentistry program from an accredited institution.

(7) The applicant must satisfy at least one (1) of the following requirements:

(A) Receive a passing score on a clinical examination that has been approved by the board.

(B) Possess a license in good standing from another state and be legally engaged in the practice of dentistry in:

(i) the other state;

(ii) the United States Armed Services;

(iii) the United States Public Health Service; or

(iv) the United States Department of Veterans Affairs;

for the five (5) years immediately preceding the application.

(b) The board, at its discretion, may waive the requirements of subsection (a)(2).

As added by P.L.264-2013, SEC.8.

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