Anesthesia or Sedation; Permit to Administer; Requirements; Renewal

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Sec. 3.1. (a) A dentist must have a permit to administer:

(1) general anesthesia/deep sedation; or

(2) moderate sedation using a parenteral route of administration;

to a patient.

(b) The board shall establish by rule the educational and training requirements for the issuance and renewal of a permit required by subsection (a).

(c) The board shall establish the requirements for a program of education and training for pediatric anesthesiology.

(d) The requirements for a permit issued under this section must be based on the current American Dental Association's "Guidelines for Teaching Pain Control and Sedation to Dentists and Dental Students", as adopted by the American Dental Association House of Delegates.

(e) Subject to IC 25-1-2-6(e), a permit issued under this section must be renewed biennially.

As added by P.L.258-1987, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.33-1993, SEC.21; P.L.103-2011, SEC.14; P.L.6-2012, SEC.171; P.L.177-2015, SEC.31.

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