Instructor's License; Requirements; Holding of License; Prohibition on Use; Teaching and Practicing Dentistry; Validity; Fee; Rules

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Sec. 27.5. (a) The board may issue an instructor's license to an individual who is not otherwise licensed to practice dentistry in Indiana if the individual meets the following conditions:

(1) The individual has been licensed or has had the equivalent of a license for five (5) of the preceding nine (9) years to practice dentistry in the United States or in any country, territory, or other recognized jurisdiction.

(2) The individual has been approved under the credentialing process of an Indiana school of dentistry or an affiliated medical center of an Indiana school of dentistry that is accredited by:

(A) the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation; or

(B) the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations.

(3) The individual has successfully documented or demonstrated clinical and academic competency to the board.

(4) The individual is fluent in the English language.

(5) The individual passes the written law examination administered by the board.

(6) The individual meets the continuing education requirements required by IC 25-14-3.

(7) The individual pays the licensing fee set by the board under subsection (f).

(b) A license issued under this section must be held by the Indiana school of dentistry for which the licensee is employed.

(c) A license issued under this section does not meet the requirements of section 16 of this chapter and may not be used to obtain a general dentistry license under this article.

(d) A licensee under this section may teach and practice dentistry only at or on behalf of an Indiana school of dentistry or an affiliated medical center of an Indiana school of dentistry.

(e) An instructor's license is valid only during the time the licensee is employed or has a valid employment contract for a full-time faculty position at the Indiana school of dentistry or an affiliated medical center. The Indiana school of dentistry or the affiliated medical center shall notify the board in writing upon the termination of the employment contract of an individual who is issued a license under this section and surrender the license not later than thirty (30) days after the licensee's employment ceases.

(f) The board shall set a fee for the issuance and renewal of a license under this section.

(g) Unless renewed, a license issued by the board under this section expires annually on a date specified by the agency under IC 25-1-5-4. An applicant for renewal must pay the renewal fee set by the board on or before the renewal date specified by the agency.

(h) The board shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 necessary to implement this section.

As added by P.L.210-2003, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.97-2004, SEC.92; P.L.1-2006, SEC.434; P.L.49-2008, SEC.1; P.L.103-2011, SEC.23; P.L.90-2019, SEC.16.

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