Inactive Licenses; Remediation

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Sec. 27.1. (a) The board may classify a license as inactive if the board receives written notification from a licensed dentist stating that the dentist will not practice as a dentist in Indiana.

(b) The board may issue a license to the holder of an inactive license under this section, if the applicant:

(1) pays the renewal fee set by the board;

(2) pays the reinstatement fee set by the board;

(3) meets continuing education requirements set by the board; and

(4) meets competency standards set by the board.

(c) The board may require a licensee whose license has been inactive for more than three (3) years to participate in remediation or pass an examination administered by an entity approved by the board.

As added by P.L.235-1995, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.103-2011, SEC.21.

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