Specific Violations

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Sec. 25. (a) It is a Level 6 felony for a person to do any of the following:

(1) Practice dentistry not being at the time a dentist duly licensed to practice as such in this state under this chapter.

(2) Employ, hire, or procure one who is not duly licensed as a dentist to practice dentistry, but a person practiced upon by an unlicensed dentist does not violate this section.

(b) It is a Class B misdemeanor for a person to do any of the following:

(1) Sell or barter, or offer to sell or barter, or, not being lawfully authorized so to do, issue or confer, or offer to issue or confer, any dental degree, license, or any diploma or document conferring, or purporting to confer, any dental degree or license, or any certificate or transcript made, or purporting to be made, under this chapter.

(2) Purchase, or procure by barter, any diploma, license, certificate, or transcript, with intent that it be used as evidence of the qualifications to practice dentistry of any person other than the one upon, or to whom, it was lawfully conferred or issued, or in fraud of the laws regulating the practice.

(3) Use any diploma, certificate, or transcript which has been purchased, fraudulently issued, counterfeited, or materially altered, either as a license or color of license, to practice dentistry, or in order to procure registration as a dentist.

(4) Practice dentistry under a false name, under a name intended to mislead the public, under the license of another person of the same name, or hold the person out to the public under such a name as a practitioner of dentistry.

(5) Assume the title or degree of "Bachelor of Dental Surgery", append the letters "B.D.S.", "D.D.S.", "M.D.S.", or "D.M.D.", to the person's name, or make use of the same, or prefix to the person's name the title of "Doctor", or any abbreviation thereof, not having had duly conferred upon the person by diploma from some college, school, or board of examiners legally empowered to confer the same, the right to assume such a title.

(6) Assume any title or append or prefix any words to the person's name, with intent to represent falsely that the person has received a dental degree or license.

(7) Not having been licensed to practice dentistry under the laws of this state, represent that the person is entitled so to practice (a dental licensee may use the prefix "Doctor" or "Dr." to the person's name).

(8) Falsely personate another at any examination to ascertain the preliminary professional education of candidates for dental certificates, dental degrees, or dental licenses or knowingly avail the person of the benefit of false personation.

(9) Otherwise violate this chapter.

(c) Each date that a person violates this section constitutes a separate offense.

Formerly: Acts 1913, c.138, s.21; Acts 1917, c.160, s.7; Acts 1931, c.169, s.13; Acts 1963, c.151, s.14. As amended by Acts 1977, P.L.172, SEC.22; Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.2530; P.L.169-1985, SEC.58; P.L.155-1988, SEC.3; P.L.103-2011, SEC.22; P.L.158-2013, SEC.282.

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