Evidence of Practice of Dentistry; Exception

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Sec. 24. The announcing to the public in any manner of intent to maintain, directly or indirectly, an office or place of business for the practice of dentistry, or the use of any professional degree, title, or designation, personal or otherwise, or a sign, card, circular, device, picture, or advertisement that might impress the public that the office is used for the practice of dentistry is prima facie evidence of engaging in the practice of dentistry. Nothing in this section may be construed to interfere with sales of dental equipment or materials by established, bona fide dealers or with the renting or leasing of real estate or dental equipment by the actual owner thereof or his agent.

Formerly: Acts 1913, c.138, s.20a; Acts 1943, c.308, s.3. As amended by P.L.155-1988, SEC.2.

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