Practice of Dentistry; Delegation; Procedures Prohibited to Be Delegated; Dental Students; Pharmacists Filling Prescriptions; Services Dental Assistants May Perform

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Sec. 23. (a) A person is practicing dentistry within the meaning of this chapter if the person does any of the following:

(1) Uses the word "dentist" or "dental surgeon", the letters "D.D.S." or "D.M.D.", or other letters or titles in connection with dentistry.

(2) Directs and controls the treatment of patients within a place where dental services are performed.

(3) Advertises or permits to be advertised by sign, card, circular, handbill, newspaper, radio, or otherwise that the person can or will attempt to perform dental operations of any kind.

(4) Offers to evaluate, diagnose, prevent, or treat:

(A) diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area;

(B) diseases, disorders, and conditions of the associated and adjacent structures of the oral cavity and maxillofacial area if:

(i) the dentist is providing emergency care; or

(ii) the dentist has completed postgraduate training and certification in oral and maxillofacial surgery from a program certified by the Commission on Dental Accreditation; and

(C) the effects of such diseases, disorders, and conditions on the human body;

using nonsurgical, surgical, or related procedures.

(5) Extracts human teeth or corrects malpositions of the teeth or jaws.

(6) Except as provided in IC 25-13-1-10.5 and IC 25-13-1-10.6, administers dental anesthetics.

(7) Uses x-ray pictures for dental diagnostic purposes.

(8) Makes:

(A) oral images for the fabrication of a final restoration, impression, or cast;

(B) impressions; or

(C) casts of any oral tissues or structures;

for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment thereof or for the construction, repair, reproduction, or duplication of any prosthetic device to alleviate or cure any oral lesion or replace any lost oral structures, tissue, or teeth.

(9) Advertises to the public by any method, except trade and professional publications, to furnish, supply, construct, reproduce, repair, or adjust any prosthetic denture, bridge, appliance, or other structure to be worn in the human mouth.

(10) Is the employer of a dentist who is hired to provide dental services.

(11) Directs or controls the use of dental equipment or dental material while the equipment or material is being used to provide dental services. However, a person may lease or provide advice or assistance concerning dental equipment or dental material if the person does not restrict or interfere with the custody, control, or use of the equipment or material by the dentist. This subdivision does not prevent a dental hygienist who is licensed under IC 25-13 from owning dental equipment or dental materials within the dental hygienist's scope of practice.

(12) Directs, controls, or interferes with a dentist's clinical judgment.

(13) Exercises direction or control over a dentist through a written contract concerning the following areas of dental practice:

(A) The selection of a patient's course of treatment.

(B) Referrals of patients, except for requiring referrals to be within a specified provider network, subject to the exceptions under IC 27-13-36-5.

(C) Content of patient records.

(D) Policies and decisions relating to refunds, if the refund payment would be reportable under federal law to the National Practitioner Data Bank, and warranties.

(E) The clinical content of advertising.

(F) Final decisions relating to the employment of dental office personnel.

However, this subdivision does not prohibit a person from providing advice or assistance concerning the areas of dental practice referred to in this subdivision or an insurer (as defined in IC 27-1-26-1) from carrying out the applicable provisions of IC 27 under which the insurer is licensed.

However, a person does not have to be a dentist to be a manufacturer of dental prostheses.

(b) In addition to subsection (a), a person is practicing dentistry who directly or indirectly by any means or method furnishes, supplies, constructs, reproduces, repairs, or adjusts any prosthetic denture, bridge, appliance, or any other structure to be worn in the human mouth and delivers the resulting product to any person other than the duly licensed dentist upon whose written work authorization the work was performed. A written work authorization shall include the following:

(1) The name and address of the dental laboratory to which it is directed.

(2) The case identification.

(3) A specification of the materials to be used.

(4) A description of the work to be done and, if necessary, diagrams thereof.

(5) The date of issuance of the authorization.

(6) The signature and address of the licensed dentist or other dental practitioner by whom the work authorization is issued.

A separate work authorization shall be issued for each patient of the issuing licensed dentist or other dental practitioner for whom dental technological work is to be performed.

(c) This section shall not apply to those procedures which a legally licensed and practicing dentist may delegate to a dental assistant as to which procedures the dentist exercises direct supervision and responsibility.

(d) Procedures delegated by a dentist may not include the following:

(1) Those procedures which require professional judgment and skill such as diagnosis, treatment planning, the cutting of hard or soft tissues, or any intraoral impression which would lead to the fabrication of a final prosthetic appliance.

(2) Except for procedures described in subsections (g) and (h), procedures delegated to a dental assistant may not include procedures allocated under IC 25-13-1 to a licensed dental hygienist.

(e) This chapter shall not prevent dental students from performing dental operations under the supervision of competent instructors within the dental school or a university recognized by the board or in any public clinic under the supervision of the authorized superintendent of such clinic authorized under the authority and general direction of the board of health or school board of any city or town in Indiana.

(f) Licensed pharmacists of this state may fill prescriptions of licensed dentists of this state for any drug necessary in the practice of dentistry.

(g) Notwithstanding IC 25-13-1-11(4), a dental assistant who has completed a board approved curriculum may apply medicaments for the control or prevention of dental caries under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist. The curriculum must include instruction on the following:

(1) Ethics and jurisprudence.

(2) Reasons for fluorides.

(3) Systemic fluoride.

(4) Topical fluoride.

(5) Fluoride application.

(6) Laboratory work on topical fluoride applications and patient competency.

(h) Notwithstanding IC 25-13-1-11(3), a dental assistant who has completed a board approved curriculum may polish the coronal surface of teeth under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist. The curriculum must include instruction on the following:

(1) Ethics and jurisprudence.

(2) Plaque and materia alba.

(3) Intrinsic and extrinsic stain.

(4) Abrasive agents.

(5) Use of a slow speed hand piece, prophy cup, and occlusal polishing brush.

(6) Theory of selective polishing.

(7) Laboratory work concerning slow speed hand piece, hand dexterity, and patient competency.

Formerly: Acts 1913, c.138, s.20; Acts 1917, c.160, s.6; Acts 1931, c.169, s.12; Acts 1943, c.308, s.2; Acts 1963, c.151, s.13; Acts 1971, P.L.372, SEC.9. As amended by P.L.169-1985, SEC.57; P.L.155-1988, SEC.1; P.L.102-2000, SEC.2; P.L.121-2007, SEC.5; P.L.134-2008, SEC.24; P.L.264-2013, SEC.12; P.L.31-2021, SEC.1.

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