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Sec. 22. This chapter does not apply to the following:

(1) Any commissioned officer of the regular United States armed services, United States Public Health Service, or United States Department of Veterans Affairs in the discharge of the officer's official duties.

(2) Any dentist who is legally qualified to practice in the state or territory where the dentist resides, when in actual consultation with a legal practitioner of Indiana.

(3) Any dentist residing on the border of a neighboring state and authorized to practice dentistry under the laws of the state whose practice extends into the border of Indiana; however, such practitioner shall not open an office or appoint a place to meet patients or solicit practice within Indiana.

(4) Any dentist who is licensed in another state while appearing as a clinician for demonstrating certain methods of technical procedures before a meeting, clinic, or convention of Indiana dentists; however, no fee, cash, or money reimbursement, consideration, or remuneration of any kind is paid directly or indirectly or by any subterfuge, to such clinician by or for the person used as a patient in such clinic or demonstration.

(5) Licensed physicians or surgeons who are authorized to take x-ray pictures of the human teeth or jaws, to extract teeth, and to perform surgical operations (as described in IC 25-22.5-1-1.1(a)(1)(C)) upon the teeth or jaws at their usual office or residence or within the vicinity of their ordinary practice, whenever, in their judgment, the same may be necessary. This exception shall not apply to itinerant licensed physicians and surgeons who have to a large extent abandoned their practice as physicians and surgeons and are, in fact and effect, practicing dentistry almost exclusively.

Formerly: Acts 1913, c.138, s.19; Acts 1931, c.169, s.11; Acts 1935, c.90, s.10. As amended by Acts 1977, P.L.172, SEC.21; P.L.169-1985, SEC.56; P.L.1-1990, SEC.252; P.L.217-1993, SEC.1.

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