Representation by Attorney General

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Sec. 21. It shall be the duty of the attorney general to represent the state board of dentistry in any court in which an action may be filed for the review of an order of the board as provided for in section 20 of this chapter. The attorney general may, at his discretion, call to his assistance in such action, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which such action is filed. Also, the board, with the written consent of the attorney general, shall have the right to employ, out of its own funds, any other attorney or attorneys to assist the attorney general in any such action.

Formerly: Acts 1913, c.138, s.18; Acts 1935, c.90, s.9; Acts 1963, c.151, s.12. As amended by Acts 1982, P.L.154, SEC.50; P.L.24-1999, SEC.14.

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