Record of Persons Practicing With and Employed by Certificate Holder

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Sec. 17. A person practicing dentistry, upon written demand made by the secretary of the state board of dentistry, shall not fail to furnish in writing, within twenty (20) days after such demand, the name and address of each person practicing or assisting in the practice of dentistry in the office of said person, together with a sworn statement showing by what authority or license such person or persons are practicing dentistry and in what capacity nonlicensed persons are assisting in practice; said list of names and addresses shall include all persons who have been thus employed within the sixty (60) days next preceding such demand; however, such affidavit may not be used as evidence against either said person or persons so reported in any proceeding under this chapter.

Formerly: Acts 1913, c.138, s.14; Acts 1917, c.160, s.3; Acts 1931, c.169, s.8. As amended by Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.2528; P.L.24-1999, SEC.13.

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