Department of State Revenue Alcohol and Tobacco Commission, Bureau of Motor Vehicles; Access to Names of Licensees and Applicants; Persons on Tax Warrant List

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Sec. 8. (a) The licensing agency and the boards shall allow the department of state revenue, the alcohol and tobacco commission, and the bureau of motor vehicles access to the name of each person who:

(1) is licensed under this chapter or IC 25-1-5; or

(2) has applied for a license under this chapter or IC 25-1-5.

(b) If the department of state revenue notifies the licensing agency that a person is on the most recent tax warrant list, the licensing agency shall not issue or renew the person's license until:

(1) the person provides to the licensing agency a statement from the department of state revenue indicating that the person's tax warrant has been satisfied; or

(2) the licensing agency receives a notice from the commissioner of the department of state revenue under IC 6-8.1-8-2(k).

(c) If the alcohol and tobacco commission notifies the licensing agency that a person has an outstanding balance due to the alcohol and tobacco commission, the licensing agency shall not issue or renew the person's license until the person provides to the licensing agency a statement from the alcohol and tobacco commission indicating that the person's outstanding balance has been satisfied.

(d) If the bureau of motor vehicles notifies the licensing agency that a person has an outstanding balance due to the bureau of motor vehicles because a check, draft, or order issued or delivered by the person to the bureau of motor vehicles was returned or dishonored because of insufficient funds, the licensing agency shall not issue or renew the person's license until the person provides to the licensing agency a statement from the bureau of motor vehicles indicating that the person's outstanding balance has been satisfied.

As added by P.L.26-1985, SEC.20. Amended by P.L.332-1989(ss), SEC.46; P.L.2-2005, SEC.63; P.L.206-2005, SEC.10; P.L.172-2011, SEC.131; P.L.261-2013, SEC.41.

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