Executive Director

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Sec. 5. (a) The agency shall be administered by an executive director appointed by the governor who shall serve at the will and pleasure of the governor.

(b) The executive director must be qualified by experience and training.

(c) The term "executive director" or "secretary", or any other statutory term for the administrative officer of a board described in IC 25-0.5-5, means the executive director of the agency or the executive director's designee.

(d) The executive director is the chief fiscal officer of the agency and is responsible for hiring of all staff, and for procurement of all services and supplies in accordance with IC 5-22. The executive director may appoint not more than three (3) deputy directors, who must be qualified to work for the boards which are served by the agency.

(e) The executive director shall execute a bond payable to the state, with surety to consist of a surety or guaranty corporation qualified to do business in Indiana, in an amount fixed by the state board of accounts, conditioned upon the faithful performance of duties and the accounting for all money and property that come into the executive director's hands or under the executive director's control. The executive director may likewise cause any employee of the agency to execute a bond if that employee receives, disburses, or in any way handles funds or property of the agency. The costs of any such bonds shall be paid from funds available to the agency.

(f) The executive director may present to the general assembly legislative recommendations regarding operations of the agency and the boards it serves, including adoption of four (4) year license or certificate renewal cycles wherever feasible.

(g) The executive director may execute orders, subpoenas, continuances, and other legal documents on behalf of a board or committee when requested to do so by the board or committee.

(h) The executive director or the executive director's designee may, upon request of a board or committee, provide advice and technical assistance on issues that may be presented to the boards or committees.

As added by Acts 1981, P.L.222, SEC.2. Amended by Acts 1982, P.L.113, SEC.9; P.L.169-1985, SEC.26; P.L.149-1987, SEC.20; P.L.48-1991, SEC.14; P.L.49-1997, SEC.63; P.L.206-2005, SEC.5; P.L.6-2012, SEC.169; P.L.3-2014, SEC.13.

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