Registry Requirements

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Sec. 3. (a) The registry shall be maintained by the licensing agency.

(b) The registry must:

(1) be maintained in an electronic format;

(2) allow an applicant to electronically input information to certify, under penalty of perjury, the successful completion of any education, experience, and examination required for the applicant to become registered;

(3) allow for payment of registration fees through only electronic means;

(4) include each registrant's:

(A) name;

(B) city and state of residence;

(C) qualifications for registration;

(D) registration number;

(E) date the applicant was registered;

(F) place of business; and

(G) registration expiration date; and

(5) be made available to the public on the Internet through the computer gateway administered by the office of technology established by IC 4-13.1-2-1.

As added by P.L.177-2009, SEC.15.

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