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Sec. 2. As used in the chapter:

(1) "Applicant" refers to a person who applies for a registration in the electronic registry of professions.

(2) "Executive director" refers to the executive director of the licensing agency appointed under IC 25-1-5-5.

(3) "Licensing agency" means the Indiana professional licensing agency created by IC 25-1-5-3.

(4) "Registrant" means an individual who is registered in the electronic registry of professions as:

(A) an individual state registered under IC 25-1-18 (before its repeal); or

(B) an interior designer under IC 25-20.7.

(5) "Registry" refers to the electronic registry of professions established by section 1 of this chapter.

As added by P.L.177-2009, SEC.15. Amended by P.L.240-2015, SEC.1; P.L.130-2018, SEC.96.

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