Costs; Practitioners Subject to Sanctions

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Sec. 18. A practitioner who has been subjected to disciplinary sanctions may be required by a board to pay the costs of the proceeding. The practitioner's ability to pay shall be considered when costs are assessed. If the practitioner fails to pay the costs, a suspension may not be imposed solely upon the practitioner's inability to pay the amount assessed. These costs are limited to costs for the following:

(1) Court reporters.

(2) Transcripts.

(3) Certification of documents.

(4) Photo duplication.

(5) Witness attendance and mileage fees.

(6) Postage.

(7) Expert witnesses.

(8) Depositions.

(9) Notarizations.

(10) Administrative law judges.

(11) Real estate review appraisals, if applicable.

As added by P.L.214-1993, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.194-2005, SEC.8; P.L.52-2009, SEC.11; P.L.105-2009, SEC.14.

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