Surrender of Practitioner License; Surrender Prohibited if Attorney General Opposes

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Sec. 17. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a practitioner may petition the board to accept the surrender of the practitioner's license instead of having a hearing before the board. The practitioner may not surrender the practitioner's license without the written approval of the board, and the board may impose any conditions appropriate to the surrender or reinstatement of a surrendered license.

(b) The board may not approve the surrender of a practitioner's license under subsection (a) if the office of the attorney general:

(1) has filed an administrative complaint concerning the practitioner's license; and

(2) opposes the surrender of the practitioner's license.

As added by P.L.214-1993, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.52-2009, SEC.10; P.L.105-2009, SEC.13.

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